Apicectomy With Bone Grafting by Laser Dentist India

root canal treatment ahmedabad

Periapical Cystic Lesion in relation with central incisor

root canal therapy india

Post operative radiograph after 8 months showing excellent bone regeneration.

Patient visited us with severe pain & swelling in relation with central incisor tooth.

These case was treated with a minor surgical procedure called as Apicectomy [cyst removal] and at the same time Bone Graft was used to fill the bone defect along with the Root Canal Treatment.

In this procedure a intra orally a small tissue [gum] flap is raised to open up the loacl cyct or tumour site & the diseased tissue & necrosed bone are thoroughly curretted. Then the defect is filled with special bone grafting material which will strengthen up the bone & fasten the healing process of bone formation, & finally the tissue flap is closed like as done in plastic surgery without any scar mark.